Our Electric Arc Furnace, the first stage of our facility with the annual liquid steel capacity of 2 million ton, is designed and produced by Fuchs (Germany) and it is the first telescopic electric arc furnace in the world. Our Ladle furnace is designed and produced by Fuchs(Germany) and Our 7 strands continuous casting machine is designed and produced by SMS Concast (Sweden-Italy)


We have 8 top covered scrap holes with 610.000 m3 volume that can stock approximately 300.000 tons of scraps. The fact that our holes are big and numerous, it enables the opportunity to stock different types of scraps without mixing them. 80% of the used scraps are supplied from foreign market (England, Belgium, America, Russia, Latvia) and 20% of them are supplied from the domestic market.

4 overhead cranes along with the scraps with different qualities are put in the scrap basket in order to produce with the desired billet quality. Thanks to the SAP system used in the entire company, we are more easily able to detect and follow the release of the scrap from the ship, its entrance to the company field, its output for production and its stock areas.

In our scrap yard, there is a scrap cleaning machine with the capacity of 40 tons per hour. Thanks to this scrap cleaning machine, the non-metallic parts ,which come from the scrap, are cleaned by the machine


Our electric arc furnace is designed and produced by Fuchs (Germany) and it is the first telescopic electric arc furnace in the world. The biggest advantage of telescopic type is that it is capable of operating with single scrap charge. The furnace capacity is 160 ton liquid steel per heat, power on time (energy time) is approximately 28 mins./heat and tap to tap (the time between two heats) is approximately 35 minutes. With the improvements and the modifications carried in the lower and upper shell unit, the capacity of the furnace will be increased to 200 tons/heat. The manufacture of new design lower and upper shell units are completed but has not been mounted yet. Our furnace capacity will increase from 160 tons/heat to 200 tons/heat in a short period of time. Currently, it functions with a 150 MVA transformer. With the furnace revision to be implemented, the new 165 MVA transformer will be enabled.

While our current annual liquid steel production capacity is 1,8 million ton, with the investments, our liquid steel production capacity will reach to 2 million ton liquid steel.


Our ladle furnace is Fuchs branded. In the ladle furnace, the raw steel taken from the electric arc furnace to the ladle for necessary metallurgic operations, and the chemical analyses of the liquid steel is optimized for our specifications according to the desired billet quality and customer order


Continuous Casting Machine is SMS Concast designed and produced in Swedish techno-standards. it has 7 strands and 10.250 mm of radius. It has the production capacity between 130*130 mm. and 200*200 mm. for billet, up to 400*400 mm. for Bloom and additionally, it has B1 and B2 type Beam Blank production capacity.


In the CATIC KonAr 7500-100-240 air separation facility, gaseous oxygen, liquid oxygen, liquid nitrogen and liquid argon production can be produced. Thanks to the new technology device –equipped and computed automation system- gaseous oxygen and gaseous nitrogen products can be produced beyond the capacity and liquid oxygen, liquid nitrogen and liquid argon can be produced in the world standard purity grade.


Our Baştuğ Transformer Center, which is connected to the TEIAS (Turkish Electricity Transmission Company) interconnected system from 380 kV voltage level, is constituted as 2 line feeders+2 transformer feeders+1 transfer feeder. Tr-1 feeder, which feeds our Arc Furnace plant, is designed with modern 205 MVAR SVC Flicker Compensation System. Our Baştuğ Transformer Center, which became active in 2010, is a modern new system plant in which 380 kV outdoor switch, 72.5 kV outdoor switch, 34.5 kV metal-clad switch, SVC Flicker Compensation units are present.


The foundation of the rolling plant investment with annual 1 million ton capacity has been laid in the first quarter of 2013 and it continues without cease.